SFBT is alive and well in New Zealand

It was an honour and a pleasure to be at the SFP Aotearoa Conference in Napier last week. There were 60+ people from around New Zealand, as well as a couple of Aussies (David and also Annette Gray from Growth Coaching). There was also an American - keynote speaker Elliott Connie, who hosted a 2 day advanced workshop after the conference. Elliott has a unique style, and participants were challenged to take their practice to the next level.
At the same time Michael Durrant was hosting SFBT training in Hamilton and Tauranga, with about 60 people attending the 2 workshops.
As a result of these activites, David will be assisting locals to start up Solution-focused networks in Tauranga and Rotorua.
There is also a lot of interest in the 2019 AASFBT conference to be held in Christchurch in November. Planning is well under way, and the first abstracts have been submitted.