Over the last few years I have been interviewed by various people from around the world wanting to know about the work I do and why I love the Solution Focused approach. The following links will take you to a selection of interviews, podcasts and conference presentations and hopefully you will see and hear why I am so passionate about the approach.
2022 My presentation from SF24/2022 "SF, Mathematics and the Theory of Relativity: why nurses make the best lovers"
2022 (above) Emma Burns and I were interviewed by Joe George (Israel)
2021 This was a presentation on Single Session Therapy that I did for the International SF24 Conference
2021 A 2nd (and different) presentation on Single Session Therapy, this one was done for the Australasian Solution Focused Association
2020 Interview by Ayse and Joe from Family Based Services (U.K.), with Emma as a co-host
2020 A 3-way interview with myself, Emma, and Tim Wand (Sydney) talking about solution focused approaches to suicide prevention
2020 Another discussion about suicide prevention, this time with Emma and Heather Fiske (Canada), hosted by Michael Durrant (Brief Therapy Institute of Sydney)
2019 Sara Jordan and I were interviewed by Elfie and Dominic from Simply Focus Podcast (Switzerland) when we launched the Journal of Solution Focused Practices
2016 Where it all started, my first interview was done by Michael Durrant and published in the Journal of Solution Focused Brief Therapy
You may have noticed that Emma Burns (N.Z.) features heavily in the above list, and that is because we not only love hanging out together but we also work together in our join venture called "The Possibilities Lab". We have a few other videos of random discussions and some interviews of other people that you can find here on our Facebook page.