At left turn we are committed to face to face conversation.
As a nurse in a large Emergency Department I am well aware of the importance of physical distancing, hand sanitation, universal precautions, and following the guidelines and recommendations relating to COVID-19. However as a mental health nurse, and as a human being, I am well aware of the need for conversation and social interaction.
The media is full of information telling you to keep your distance, but good mental health is about connection. Isolation might be a good way to stop the spread of a rampant virus, but connection is the best thing for strong mental health.
There seems to be a lot of services that are going online; web-based, SKYPE, ZOOM, or just phone calls. The internet is good for some things, but not others. Connection and conversation always works best when people are in the same location. There is a well-known phrase in Solution-Focused circles; "The action is in the interaction". It's the thing that happens between us that actually starts the change process.
If you would rather talk face to face, but you don't know which way to turn, then TURN LEFT.
We will still be following precautions, such as meeting in an open space, not sitting too close etc, but we are happy to meet and talk face to face. If you think it is safe enough to talk to the checkout operator at the supermarket, then we can arrange somewhere much safer! If you are not sure which way to turn, or you just want to have a chat about something, then please email to arrange a face to face conversation.